Welcome to SHAMROCK

Engaged Minds | Inspired Hearts | Purposeful Lives

Shamrock School is what school should be: a positive and friendly learning environment where students are excited to learn, and where open communication, engaging teachers, bright classrooms and a differentiated curriculum encourage students to thrive.
Our programs inspire and promote intellectual curiosity, creativity and individual growth through the integration of academics, arts, athletics, community service and leadership. Our core programs are supported by a variety of enrichment activities to enhance our students’ experience both inside and outside of the classroom.

“Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
– Will A. Foster

Please explore our website to learn more about the REAL Shamrock student:

R – Respectful of themselves, inclusive of others, and protective of the environment
E – Engaged in their learning, athletics, the arts, and co-curricular activities
A – Academically motivated to achieve excellence
L – Leaders and innovators prepared to be valuable contributors to their local and global communities


What our families say:

Our Kid at Shamrock School has been excellent and a memory to cherish for a lifetime. The years spent here have been full of learning opportunities that were full of fun and frolic and sometimes with academic grind that one has to go through. The national exposure makes you a better person to face the challenges of the corporate world.
There is a strong sense of community and everyone makes you feel like family when you walk through the door. When I drop my soon off at school, he is greeted by name, which is very welcoming. We also appreciate the excellent communication, including weekly school newsletters, weekly class updates on the teacher websites, prompt responses to e-mails, and phone messages with reminders from the principal. The academics and use of technology are also wonderful!
Both my children are currently attending SHAMROCK SCHOOL. School community that never stops striving for excellence in every way. Teachers that give 100% of themselves and then some. They give countless additional hours after school to lend a hand to a student in need, a parent, or to just make an extracurricular activity extra special. They do it so willingly!